Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Another Ireland Update with Kenna!

Hello again from the place with the greenest grass!
   My time here in the homeland is winding down pretty quickly. Only three weeks left in this beautiful country and as hard as it is to leave, I will be glad to be back in good old New York.
   Since last time, I have done MANY more things. I have travelled through the famous Ring of Kerry and believe me, it is, if not more beautiful than people say. The food is spectacular (yes I know a comment about food is not too strange coming from me but hey!). I hiked up a mountain and looked down upon the most beautiful little island of Dingle. I also Irish step danced with a few other girls in my class and performed for everyone else on the trip (yes, it was hilarious). I met the cows who lived outside of my window, we named them and greeted them every morning. It was honestly one of the best experiences I have had in one of the most amazing places in Ireland.
    I have also travelled to London and took a ride on the famous London Eye at night. It was nice, but although British accents are intriguing, Ireland is the place for me.
    The next and last trip that I will be taking is creeping up into view. I will be travelling to Rome and Florence for my last couple days in Europe. Kind of like a last hoorah! I cannot wait, although it means that a couple days later I will be back on a plane, leaving Ireland. No worries though, I will be back. Not soon, but eventually :)
Tabhair aire!! Which means Take care in Irish-Gaelic!

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