Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fall Ball Wrap-Up- pictures coming soon!

Hello Everyone!

Here at Hartwick, we are back to classes after our brief October Break. It’s time to wrap-up everything that happened this fall! Time flies during fall ball so we have a lot to tell you about, highlighted by our Play Day at RPI and our first annual Team Olympics!

The rain didn’t stop us on October 14th as we travelled to RPI to take on Oneonta State, Union, RPI and Skidmore in a round robin tournament. Given our low numbers this fall ball, it was the first time we were really to field a full team and face new opponents. After 14 practices, you’re dying to take on someone other than one of your teammates! The girls were excited and ready to play together as well as see the strides we made this fall.

We saw some things we liked and a few things we need to work on. Some highlights included seeing the freshmen step up and have some strong performances in their first ever college games and seeing how the units played as a whole. We used our play day as a means for experiential learning, trying new combinations of players, switching around positions and testing out offensive sets. It was important for us to gauge all of these in a game setting to see how our girls could respond to the challenge. We certainly have a lot to learn but I believe we have great potential to get better this year and to do some really nice things. The play day fueled the fire to work hard this off season because we all saw in bits and pieces how we can play and everyone is now determined to make that happen. We learned from our mistakes, took note of our successes and learned from our opponents what works and what doesn’t. Now, we just have to make the changes and stay focused on the ultimate goal by getting better each and every day.

We ended our play day with a feast at Dinosaur BBQ with the team and our families. We celebrated our hard work this fall, our hopes for the spring and Selena’s 18th birthday with more food than one can imagine!

To conclude our fall ball, our team took part in Team Olympics, in honor of the Olympic Games this summer. The coaches designed 12 different events, mostly lacrosse related and divided the team up into 4 smaller teams. At the end of each practice, we held trials for the event for that day, giving the teams the opportunity to strategize and decided who they would like to put forth for the actual Olympic games. The events ranged from more trivial categories such as best team name and costume to team trivia and Wick Lax history trivia to quickest first step and stickwork challenges. Everyone had at least one event they could shine in and some of the events required the collaboration of all of their teammates.

Finally, on October 15th, it was time for the Team Olympics to get underway. The girls did not disappoint in their costumes and proved to be very clever in their team names. It was a tight race in the beginning but, ultimately, one team ended up running away with it- congratulations to Doug, Kia, Selena and Steph Luce on your win! Team trivia was a favorite in the Olympic games, as teammates were put on the spot to answer very random and seldomly known fun facts about their teammates and coaches. Other events showed some great speed in the 40 yard dash and impressive stickwork in the very difficult stickwork challenge. Overall, the games were a great success and something we’d like to make a part of the Hartwick Women’s Lacrosse tradition. Who will win it all next year??

Thank you again to all our supporters this fall! We can’t wait to see you all at a game our two this spring; it should be a year to remember! For now, it’s back to work in the classroom and on the field.

Coming Soon..... Caroline and Jackie!

Keep an eye out for our next series of player introductions as we introdue Caroline and Jackie, two sophomores returning this year!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Meet the Sophs!

This year's sophomore class returns 5 players from last year and one newcomer joining us from the swimming team here at Hartwick! We're excited to see how this class will perform with a year of experience under their belt.

LISA LITTLETON, #27, Midfield from Yorktown, NY

Nickname: Lee
Number and why? 27 because it's my birthday
Why Hartwick? Lacrosse and study abroad opportunities
Favorite class: Witchcraft and Witch hunting
Pregame ritual: Dancing in the lockerroom
Ideal last meal on Earth: Any mexican food
Hidden talent: I can recite any historical fact about the French Revolution
If you could meet any three people, dead or alive, who would they be?
Marie Antoinette, Ryan Gosling, and Ryan Lochte

STEPHANIE LUCE, #30, Goalie from Saratoga Springs, NY

Nickname: Steph
Why Hartwick? I liked the team and the educational opportunities
Favorite class: Controversies in Museums
Favorite part of Wick Lax: The way everyone dances before a game
Ideal last meal on Earth: Corned beef and cabbage
Fun fact: I can tap dance
Super power of choice: Super strength

EMILY JWEID, #11, Attack from Marcy, NY

Nickname: Em J, Jweid
Why Hartwick? I could do all the things I wanted to pursue in college
Favorite Oneonta spot: Table Rock (on the hill)
Pregame Ritual: Listen to my visualization playlist
Ideal last meal on Earth: My mom's meatballs
Fun fact: I play the trumpet
Biggest pet peeve: Feet

STEPH DiPRETA, #13, Defense from Franklin Square, NY

Nickname: DP, DiPreta, Steph
What Hartwick? Because they have a great science and medicine program
Favorite Oneonta spot: Wilber Park
Favorite part of Wick Lax: Playing with the team
Current song obsession: "I Won't Give Up"- Jason Mraz, "Payphone"- Maroon 5
Fun fact: I competed in the Empire State Games in ice hockey and competed in Greece for Karate Worlds in 2009
Guilty pleasure: Watching the Vampire Diaries

CARLY NEWMAN, #12, Attack from Seaford, NY

Nickname: Carl
Why Hartwick? The nursing program
Favorite class: Pharmacology
Favorite part of Wick Lax: Unity
Current song obsession: Any country music
Ideal last meal on Earth: Pizza
Biggest pet peeve: Smelly people

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Meet the Freshmen!

Hi Everyone!

We are lucky enough to welcome 6 new faces to the Hartwick Women's Lacrosse family this year, including 5 freshmen and 1 sophomore. For now let's introduce Mandy, Kia, April and Selena, our four freshmen currently playing fall ball with us! We'll catch up with Ally once she is done with her Field Hockey season and Steph DiPreta once we introduce the sophomores. We're so excited to have you all!

KIA FERENCE, #26, Midfield from Schenectady, NY

Nickname: Keek
Why Hartwick? The campus is amazing, the nursing program and I loved the lacrosse team
Favorite part of Wick Lax: The team
Ideal last meal on Earth: Cereal
Super power of choice: Read minds
Guilty pleasure: Eating chocolate
If you could meet any three people, dead or alive, who would they be?
Drake, Michael Jackson and Channing Tatum

AMANDA VAN AUKEN, #3, Defense from Altamount, NY

Nickname: Mandy
Why Hartwick? How it looks, the program, the people....EVERYTHING!
Favorite class: Nursing lab
Current song obsession: Ice by Kelly Rowland
Ideal last meal on Earth: Chipotle burrito
Guilty pleasure: Eating chocolate and watching Sex and The City
Biggest pet peeve: Lying!

APRIL HARGY, #14, Goalie from Edgartown, MA

picture coming soon...

Number and why? 14 because numbers containing 4 are my lucky numbers
Why Hartwick? The 3 year nursing program
Favorite part of Wick Lax: Being on a team
Pregame ritual: Dancing...badly
Super power of choice: Invisibility
Guilty pleasure: Horror movies, really cheesy horror movies
If you could meet any three people, dead or alive, who would they be?
Will Ferrell, Adam Levine and Eminen

SELENA DARDIA, #15, Attack from Dryden, NY

Why Hartwick? I loved the campus when I visited
Favorite class: Chemistry
Favorite Oneonta spot: Mama Nina's
Ideal last meal on Earth: Really good NYC pizza or a steak with a baked potato and cheesecake for dessert
Super power of choice: Flying or mind reading
If you could meet any three people, dead or alive, who would they be?
Ryan Reynolds, Josh Holloway and President Obama

Friday, September 28, 2012

Hartwick Women's Lacrosse is Off and Running for 2013!

The school year here at Hartwick has been off to a hectic start! We now find ourselves closing in on the midpoint of fall ball, with the team making great strides in many areas of our game. The girls have been focused, positive and very hardworking, which as a coach is always a pleasure to work with.
In honor of the Olympics this summer, our team has decided to embark on an Olympic Games of our own, competing in events that incorporate speed, endurance, strength, communication, stick work, and knowledge of the program and their teammates. The results so far have been positive! We are only in the trials stage for each event but we’re getting closer to the actual Wick Lax Olympic Games. Let’s see which team has what it takes to bring home the gold!
Our team is fortunate enough to welcome six newcomers to the team, including 5 freshmen and one sophomore. They add a new look to the team and have been adjusting well to the faster and more physical style of play in college lacrosse. In the coming weeks, we will post a “get to know you” piece on each player on the team, beginning with the freshmen,  so the entire Wick Lax community can see how great they are!
As we continue to progress through fall ball, we are beyond excited to welcome back our alums visiting this weekend for Alumni Weekend. It looks like we will have a great turnout, which will be a wonderful opportunity for our current team to connect with their predecessors. We are particularly looking forward to welcoming back our three seniors who graduated this past spring- Britt, Hannah and Em!
Our Fall Ball this year culminates with a tournament at RPI on October 14th, just over 2 weeks away. It will be a good challenge for our team to see how we measure up to our opponents as well as seeing how quickly we can adapt to live game situations. We hope some of our fans can make the trip! We’d love the support!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Britt LaVaute and the Team Among National Leaders in D3

Check out the write-up by SID Chris Gondek about how our team and our players compare to others in D3.

The Hartwick women's lacrosse team ranks among the Division III national statistical leaders after the latest release from the NCAA. The Hawks are 5-5 thus far this season after an Empire 8 split this past weekend.
Hartwick ranks in the NCAA's top-25 in caused turnovers this season with an average of 10.4 per game. The Hawks have registered 104 caused turnovers thus far this season with all 18 players recording at least one. With six games still left on the regular season schedule, 'Wick is already just one caused turnover shy of the team's total in 2010 and two behind the 2009 team's season mark.
The Hawks also rank in the top-40 in ground balls per game averaging 22.5 per game for 37th. Five Hawks have at least 20 ground balls this season led by freshman goalie Steph Luce (Saratoga Springs, NY/Saratoga Springs HS) who has 29. Senior midfielder Hannah Kennedy (Avon, CT/Avon HS) has 28.
Senior Brittany LaVaute (Skaneateles, NY/Skaneateles HS) is the highest-ranked Hawk in the NCAA's individual statistical leaders. She ranks 25th nationally in caused turnovers averaging 2.22 per outing. She has 20 CT's in nine games this season and 66 for her career at Hartwick.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012



This year's team philanthropy project serves Lax-4-Life, an organization raising money for suicide prevention and awareness. This Saturday, both Hartwick and their opponents, Elmira, will sport Lax-4-Life shirts and bracelets during warm-ups to raise awareness for the cause. Both teams have also raised money through fundraising efforts, with all proceeds going to this important cause. In total, 63 Lax-4-Life games were held during the 2011 season. This year, they are looking to improve on that number. Below are the goals of Lax-4-Life:

*Raise awareness for suicide prevention
*Erase the stigma associated with suicide and depression
*Educate parents, coaches, students, and the community about warning signs and issues associated with suicide
*Understanding & assisting students with the pressures of life in high school and college
*Provide resources & outlets for those dealing with depression, bullying or suicidal thoughts
*Help aid those left behind after a suicide

Suicide affects many more people than we think. Below are a few statistics that illustrate its prevalance:
- Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among 10-19 year olds
- Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among college age students
- The number of suicides is slim in comparison to the number of suicide attempts per year

It is important for us to know the warning signs. Although suicide can happen suddenly,without any warning signs, 75% of those who die of suicide exhibit some combination of the below signs:
- Appearing depressed or sad most of the time (Untreated depression is the number one cause for suicide)
- Talking or writing about death and suicide
- Withdrawing from family and friends
- Feeling hopeless
- Feeling helpless
- Feeling strong anger or rage
- Feeling trapped like there is no way out of a situation
- Experiencing dramatic mood changes
- Abusing drugs or alcohol
- Exhibiting a change in personality
- Acting impulsively
- Losing interest in most activities
- Experiencing a change in sleeping habits
- Experiencing a change in eating habits
- Performing poorly at work or in school
- Giving away prized possessions
- Writing a will
- Feeling excessive guilt or shame
- Acting recklessly

For more information on this cause and the Lax-4-Life program, visit

We hope you can help us in our efforts even if you cannot attend our designated Lax-4-Life game this Saturday. For those of you in the area, please show your support by coming out to our game.
Hartwick vs. Elmira at 3 PM this Saturday at Wright Stadium.

Season Update!


After Saturday’s conference opener against Utica, we now stand halfway through our 16 game season with a record of 4-4. Our performance versus Utica was our strongest so far this season, with hopes of only getting better as we continue with our league play as well as visiting Marywood and hosting cross-town rival SUNY Oneonta in non-conference play. Our team’s play thus far showed glimpses of our potential as well as exploiting areas of concern. With seven freshmen on the team, nerves played a major factor in our first few games. We played a little bit with the line-up each game in order to find the proper mix of players, designed and redesigned plays, broke down film to show our strengths and weaknesses, and planned practices to fix little reoccurring issues. Although 4-4 is likely not as great of a record as many of us had hoped for, we are fortunate enough to have played games when we were up, down, and close games until the end. The experience these games have given our relatively young team is invaluable as we now look to fix the issues exploited so early in the season as we continue with our league play.
Although our wins and losses have all been great team efforts, a few of our season’s highlights so far feature key individual performances. Lisa Littleton, a freshman midfielder from Yorktown, NY, wasted no time making an impact as she was named Empire 8 Conference Player of the Week following her first ever collegiate game against Mt. St. Mary, recording 3 goals, 1 assist, 3 ground balls, 2 draw controls and 2 caused turnovers. Even more crucial than her scoring, Lisa’s draw controls helped our team regain momentum at a pivotal point in the game.
Brittany LaVaute, a senior midfielder from Skaneateles, NY, joined an elite list within the Hartwick Lacrosse family as she scored her 100th career point in our home game against Wells. Britt finished the game with 4 goals, 1 assist, 4 draw controls, 1 ground ball and 1 caused turnover, displaying her well-rounded play throughout the field. Her fourth goal of the game, assisted by Carly Newman, put her over the century mark. Britt is the first Hartwick Women’s Lacrosse to accomplish such a feat in her career since 2006. LaVaute was named “Hawk of the Week” by the Hartwick athletic department for her accomplishment.
Freshman Goalie Stephanie Luce, from Saratoga Springs, NY, garnered Empire 8 Goalie of the Week honors following her effort in our win versus Wells. Steph saved 10 of the 15 shots on cage she faced for a save percentage of .667. She has started every game so far this season and has been crucial for our defense and transitional game. In addition to her saving ability, Steph leads the team in groundballs at this point in the season.
This season has featured a great balance of talent at all positions and although Lisa, Britt and Steph were recognized for their efforts, we have seen stellar play and performances in various games and positions. Looking forward, we have reached a pivotal juncture in our schedule as we take on Empire 8 foes Alfred and Elmira this weekend. We hope to fix the little things that have limited our success thus far this season and use the valuable game experience we have gained as we move into the second half of our games.
Thank you to all of our fans for your continued support and we hope to see you at a game soon!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Our Traning Trip to Los Angeles, CA!!

Our team on Mulholland Drive


This past week, our team travelled to Los Angeles, CA to sight-see, practice, and play in a tournament at Occidental College. For many players, it was their first trip to the West Coast and for some, their first time flying! Our journey started early Tuesday morning with a flight out of Albany, a layover in Atlanta, and finally, after 12 hours of travel, landing at LAX airport.

Early Wednesday morning, after a night of getting adjusted and settled in to the hotel and our new surroundings, we left our hotel in Hawthorne to travel up to CBS studios in Hollywood for the taping of "The Price Is Right." We stood in line, had our picture taken, interviewed with the casting director and waited for our debut on national TV. Our team was lucky enough to be seated front and center, just a few feet away from the contestants. The host, Drew Carey, talked with some of our players during commercial breaks and finally one of our players was called to the stage as the last group of contestants was called. Ali Sisco, a sophomore, represented Hartwick well and her teammates helped her out with the bidding. We can't wait for all of our friends, families, members of the Hartwick community and fans to watch us on MARCH 20TH at 11 AM when our show will air! This will certainly help put Hartwick on the map across the country!

We continued with our Hollywood theme that night as we visited the Walk of Fame and Kodak Theater. After strolling Hollywood Boulevard, one of our players spotted a movie premiere happening next door to the Kodak Theater for "This Means War", a new movie starring Reese Witherspoon. Some of our players were lucky enough to spot a few celebrities! Overall, the day gave us a great glimpse of Hollywood life and how important it is to the city of Los Angeles.

On Thursday morning, the team loaded the vans for a lovely drive through LA's infamous traffic to Occidental College. (Fun fact: did you know Barack Obama attended Occidental College his first two years of undergrad before transferring to Columbia University?) The campus was beautiful with matching Spanish-styled buildings and palm trees- a typical California look. After a good practice and some down time in the hotels for lunch, we headed down to Santa Monica Pier to enjoy the beautiful 80 degree weather. In addition to the beautiful beach, the Santa Monica Pier offers a great boardwalk with street musicians, restaurants, shops, a roller coaster and a giant ferris wheel. Our luck continued with celebrities as one of our players spotted the actor who played Pedro in “Napoleon Dynamite” amongst the crowd. We capitalized on the opportunity, capturing the moment with some pictures. Celebrities are everywhere in LA! Our returning to the hotel, those of our players with family in the area enjoyed some time away from the team while the majority of the team made a feast of a cookout on the patio of the hotel!

Santa Monica Pier

Friday morning we loaded up the vans once more to take on the traffic-ridden highways of LA in pursuit of Occidental for our walk-through practice in preparation for our three games the following day. To see another view of LA, our team headed up in elevation on Mulholland Drive, a great scenic road that snakes through the mountains next to the city, offering a great panoramic view of the city below. We stopped at various overlooks that offered us a great view of the mountains, downtown LA, the ocean and the mansions in the hills of Hollywood. L.A. is unique in that way; it is incredibly diverse and massive in size, mimicking more of a cluster of cities, each offering something different to the many tourists and residents.

We continued with our packed schedule by visiting the Venice Beach boardwalk, a seriously unique place unlike anything we had seen before. Known for its alternative style, the boardwalk was loaded with tattoo shops, piercing studios, street artists, an outdoor gym and a skate park. We shopped around, people-watched, and walked the beach until a beautiful sunset engulfed the sky. There really is nothing quite like a California sunset; the sky filled with oranges, pinks and reds so concentrated in color that it looked fake. Luckily, our team escaped without any additional tattoos or piercings- at least as far as us coaches know!

Pacific Ocean

After a nice sit-down pre-game meal, our team was ready to take on Occidental, Chapman and USC in three 45 minute games.  We couldn’t have asked for better playing weather with temperatures in the high 60’s- such a great change from the cold and snowy weather of Oneonta! Overall, we performed well, showing moments of great potential along with some moments of frustration. The girls proved how hard they worked in the off-season and it certainly paid off. Our team looked fitter, sharper and more in control than we did in the fall.  This glimpse at our potential will serve to motivate our team through these next few weeks of practice as they recognize how far they have come since the fall and how much farther they can go in improving before our first game on March 3rd!

The team after a game at Occidental

Our team, despite being exhausted from a long day of games and a long day of travel ahead, wished to make the most of their last night on the West Coast before their return to Oneonta. We explored the famous Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills for window shopping and some quality cupcakes at Crumb’s. Although the stores were all closed by the time we arrived, our team still got a good feel of how the wealthy and famous live in Beverly Hills and the beauty of the immaculate Rodeo Drive. We returned to the hotel later that night, passing the Beverly Hilton, the hotel at which Whitney Houston died in earlier that day, on our way home.

All in all, our trip was a great success. We saw Hawthorne, Santa Monica, Venice, Hollywood and Beverly Hills, some of the most well-known parts of Los Angeles, but we merely scratched the surface of all the possible activities and sight-seeing of LA. For those of our players who had never been on a plane, they survived a total of 14 hours in the air and are now somewhat seasoned travelers and airport navigators. And for those who visited the West Coast for the first time, many are already talking about planning their next trip out to beautiful California! This trip not only gave us great playing experience against quality opponents such as Occidental, Chapman and USC, but also the opportunity to grow closer as a team and see one of the most famous cities in the world. With this memorable trip, we are off to a great start for what we hope will be a special 2012 season. Thanks to all the parents and supporters of our program who made this trip possible! It is certainly one our team will never forget.

We hope to see you at a game soon!

Coach Dell's van

Coach Wallace's van

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Meet Junior Erin (Doug) Doyle!

Rounding out our player introductions is Doug Doyle, a junior midfielder from Syracuse, NY! Doug will be looking to make the transition to midfield this season after playing attack the past two seasons. She spent her J-term studying abroad in South Africa with teammate Meg Luce.

Name: Erin Doyle (Doug)
Position: Midfield
Year/Major: Junior/ Sociology and Psychology
Hometown/ HS: Syracuse, NY/ Corcoran H.S.
Birthday: October 24th

Why Hartwick?
Small school and the lacrosse program

Favorite part of Hartwick Lacrosse:
The team

Food: Mac and cheese
Color: Yellow
Animal: Walrus
Athlete: Carmelo Anthony
Place on campus: Yager...
Class taken at Hartwick: Criminology
When I grow up I want to be....: In the FBI

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Em Walsh's Fall in Florence

One of our senior captains, Em Walsh, an attacker from Cortland, NY, traveled throughout Europe while studying abroad in Florence, Italy this fall. Here is what Em had to say about the program, her experience, and the impact it has had on her as a person.

Em on the streets of Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the background

Studying abroad is a once in a lifetime experience. When I travel again, which I hope to do as soon as my now depleted funds will allow, it won’t be anything like the Fall of 2011.  When you study abroad with a program, the opportunities are abundant. You’re given a furnished apartment in a great part of the city and programs and companies do all they can to make a student’s experience as full and involved as possible for the cheapest price.  Not to mention, because I’m only 22, and in college, I am lucky enough to still have some financial support from my parents, which will not be the case when I travel in the future. Again, something that made my semester all the more enjoyable and certainly less stressful.

I arrived in Florence at the end of August and stayed until the end of December. Although my 4 month stay flew by, it was also jam-packed with travels, food, wine, new friends, and immersion in an entirely new culture.  While in Italy, I traveled throughout the country to Rome, Venice, Verona, Bologna, Pisa, Cinque Terre, Siena, and some of the Amalfi Coast (Capri, Pompeii, and Positano).   I was also lucky enough to take some bigger trips, including a journey to Paris, Amsterdam, and Prague during my 2 week vacation in the middle of the semester, as well as a last minute trip to Interlaken, Switzerland on one of my last weekends abroad.  Each humbling trip taught me more and more about the importance of travel and seeing the way others live.

While I do feel as though I traveled a good amount, others traveled much more, some almost every weekend. However, for me spending time in Florence and feeling like I really lived in the city was very important. So while abroad, I attended cultural events and felt that I got to know the city. One of my favorite parts about my stay was the cooking class I took, where I learned how to make traditional Italian cuisine, which in turn taught me a lot about the history of Italy.

At 22, I feel as though I’m growing up a little more each day. I think that Italy jump-started this process. I’ve learned to live on my own, without instant access to my Mother and Father’s emotional support. Most importantly, I learned that I’m actually brave, much more brave than I thought I was prior to my trip. If I put my mind and my heart and my soul into something, there is nothing I can’t accomplish. Sounds cliché, I know, but I didn’t really know, or believe, that until now. The trip was life changing and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Meet Junior Ryan McGovern!

Next up on our player introductions is junior midfielder Ryan McGovern from Rocky Point, NY! Ryan, entering her third season with the Hawks, will look to be a threat in the midfield.

Name: Ryan McGovern
Position: Midfield
Year/ Major: Junior/ English and Education
Hometown/ H.S.: Miller Place, NY/ Rocky Point H.S.
Birthday: May 27th

Why Hartwick?
Lacrosse, the soccer team, small school and small classes

Favorite part of Hartwick Lacrosse:
The team :)

Food: Mashed potatoes
Color: Green
Vacation spot: Ireland
Pro team: NY Yankees
Place on campus: Commons!
Class taken at Hartwick: Education Psychology
When I grow up I want to be....: Special Education teacher