Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Meet the Freshmen!

Hi Everyone!

We are lucky enough to welcome 6 new faces to the Hartwick Women's Lacrosse family this year, including 5 freshmen and 1 sophomore. For now let's introduce Mandy, Kia, April and Selena, our four freshmen currently playing fall ball with us! We'll catch up with Ally once she is done with her Field Hockey season and Steph DiPreta once we introduce the sophomores. We're so excited to have you all!

KIA FERENCE, #26, Midfield from Schenectady, NY

Nickname: Keek
Why Hartwick? The campus is amazing, the nursing program and I loved the lacrosse team
Favorite part of Wick Lax: The team
Ideal last meal on Earth: Cereal
Super power of choice: Read minds
Guilty pleasure: Eating chocolate
If you could meet any three people, dead or alive, who would they be?
Drake, Michael Jackson and Channing Tatum

AMANDA VAN AUKEN, #3, Defense from Altamount, NY

Nickname: Mandy
Why Hartwick? How it looks, the program, the people....EVERYTHING!
Favorite class: Nursing lab
Current song obsession: Ice by Kelly Rowland
Ideal last meal on Earth: Chipotle burrito
Guilty pleasure: Eating chocolate and watching Sex and The City
Biggest pet peeve: Lying!

APRIL HARGY, #14, Goalie from Edgartown, MA

picture coming soon...

Number and why? 14 because numbers containing 4 are my lucky numbers
Why Hartwick? The 3 year nursing program
Favorite part of Wick Lax: Being on a team
Pregame ritual: Dancing...badly
Super power of choice: Invisibility
Guilty pleasure: Horror movies, really cheesy horror movies
If you could meet any three people, dead or alive, who would they be?
Will Ferrell, Adam Levine and Eminen

SELENA DARDIA, #15, Attack from Dryden, NY

Why Hartwick? I loved the campus when I visited
Favorite class: Chemistry
Favorite Oneonta spot: Mama Nina's
Ideal last meal on Earth: Really good NYC pizza or a steak with a baked potato and cheesecake for dessert
Super power of choice: Flying or mind reading
If you could meet any three people, dead or alive, who would they be?
Ryan Reynolds, Josh Holloway and President Obama

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