Friday, September 17, 2010

Coach Dell is now a Mrs!!

I don’t even know where to start! July 31st I got married and it seems like it was years ago! Like many brides, I had been planning my wedding day for as long as I could remember and it ended up being the perfect day and was better than I ever imagined! 
One of the most fun parts of the wedding was showing off my wedding gown. My mom and I decided before I bought my dress that only she and I would know what the dress looked like. Not even my bridesmaids or close friends saw my wedding dress until my wedding day. I loved that; it was just another thing that added to the anticipation of the day.
I asked my three best friends, the three As: Amanda, Anita and Ashley, to all be my matrons of honor. Since I do not have a sister, it was only natural for me to ask them since I was the maid of honor in each of their weddings.
My husband, Chris, and I were engaged one week shy of two years and previous to that we dated for almost four years. He works here at Hartwick in the athletic department too, which is super convenient since we are on the same schedule. Now, in our spare time we are getting ready to paint the rooms in our house that we bought in 2008. Life is good here in Oneonta for us!

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