Thursday, January 13, 2011

Greetings from Jen Kaye in China!

Ni hao ma! (Hello how are you!) Right now it's 9:00 p.m. on Thursday night so we're 13 hours ahead of Oneonta. I'm currently in Qingdao, China with a population of about 8 million, only 1 million smaller than New York City. Last week we were in Shanghai which is the largest city in mainland China with a population of 21 million people. While there, we visted the Jade Buddha Temple, went to the top of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower which over a hundred stories tall and saw a great view of the city, went on a river cruise, visited a really cheap bargaining market, and went to a silk factory. The food so far has been great although last night we went to some restaurant and ordered spicy chicken, a greenbean dish, a shark dish, and dumplings. The chicken and greenbeans were so spicy we could barely eat them, shark was ok but tasted weird, and the dumplings were great though! In some of the restaurants there are frogs, big fish, eels, and snakes in fish tanks, needless to say we have not ordered any of those things. People are crazyyyy drivers here. There are literally no traffic rules, we nearly get into an accident every time we're on the bus. We've seen a few accidents and there've been times when a pedestrian was hit. There are a ton of mopeds and scooters everywhere which makes traffic even more hectic because they cut in front of everyone. Well that's it for now...hope everyone is having a good jterm, have fun with those 7 a.m. practices!! 

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