Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Meaning of Christmas By: Kiersten “STONE” Racela

They say that some things never change no matter how old you get. That sure seems to be the case for me when it comes to Christmas-time. Every year, I turn on ABC Family and there seems to be at least two specials that try to explain the “true meaning of Christmas”. I always think to myself, ‘doesn’t this ever get old?’
For me, there’s no set-in-STONE meaning of Christmas. It’s about those moments that you share with people that truly love and care for you. Every year at Christmas-time, all of my family members come together in one place, no matter how far away they might live. When we’re all eating and catching up on each other’s lives, you can feel the love and warmth in the room. You can’t help but smile. There’s also a feeling deep down in your gut which tells you that you’ll remember this for the rest of your life. Although you may not remember a particular gift that you received a certain year, you’ll remember the love that you felt. My memory can be pretty bad at times, but I can always remember how happy I felt when I got together with all of my family at Christmas-time. The amount of love I feel on that day is overpowering.
So the next time the topic of the true meaning of Christmas comes up in a conversation that I’m a part of, I’ll just simply reply,  ‘the moments, my friend; the moments and love that you’ll always remember for the rest of your life’.

Kiersten is an ISP: Communications major at Hartwick. We asked her to share a short free-write with everyone about her holiday experience.
(Coach Dell bolded and capped STONE above because she likes Stone’s nickname.)

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