Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy 2013!

Hi Everyone!
We hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season. Here at Hartwick, the end of our fall semester was very busy; our team started off-season training with captain’s practices while they geared up for finals. All in all, it was a successful offseason! The girls trained hard and made some great gains, which we can hopefully continue through J-term and into our season.
Monday marked our first day back at school in J-term. Hartwick possesses a unique academic calendar, consisting of a fall semester, a short January term (commonly called J-term) and spring semester. During J-term, students can stay on campus and take one class for an intense studying experience, hold an internship off-campus, or travel abroad. This J-term, we have 5 players taking advantage of Hartwick’s terrific study abroad program. As coaches, we highly encourage our students to study abroad since it provides such an amazing opportunity to travel, visit a new country, and experience a new culture, an opportunity that may not happen again in their lives. Our players are currently studying abroad in interesting places such as Vietnam, Italy and Spain! We miss them back on campus but we couldn’t be happier for them for this great experience.
The rest of their teammates are here in Oneonta, taking classes ranging from Physics to German Culture to Coaching Strategies and more. In this short term, since you only take one class, students either choose to take a particularly difficult class where they can focus their complete attention on or use it as an opportunity to take something outside of their major that interests them. When they aren’t in class, the team is back to work! Captain’s practices started yesterday and the girls are eager to get out on the field.
We can’t wait to see how far they’ve come when we finally meet up with them for our first practice in less than three weeks; it’s just around the corner! For now, we’re happy to be back on campus with the team and are wishing those of our players abroad a great and safe abroad experience.
Here’s to 2013! Happy New Year everyone.

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