Monday, November 28, 2011

Meet Senior Captain Em Walsh!

Next up on our player introductions is Em Walsh, an attacker from Cortland, NY!. Em is currently studying abroad in Italy and will return to Hartwick in January to lead the team in her second campaign as captain.

Name: Em Walsh
Position: Attack
Year/ Major: Senior/ Art History major, Graphic Communications minor
Hometown/ HS: Cortland, NY/ Cortland H.S.
Birthday: September 25th

Why Hartwick? Hartwick had a great atmosphere that allowed me to discover what I love and what type of person I want to be.

Favorite part of Hartwick Lacrosse: The second family we gain through our teammates that only becomes stronger throughout the season, the constant support and desire to acheive a common goal, and also our training trip...obvi.

Hopes for the season:
Most importantly, I hope to grow and develop as a team-one in sync unit.  I hope to become close and create bonds with my teammates that will last forever.  I also hope for success within our conference. This doesn’t mean I expect to be number 1, although I 100% believe it’s possible.  I do, however, expect our team to give our best efforts every single day. I hope that by doing so we will be able to prove so many people, programs, and teams wrong. I hope that this year, as a team, we take a stand to not allow ourselves to fall in a place where others expect us to be. To not let their doubts effect our effort and success. And I hope we do this with pride.

Favorite part of being a captain:
Being a captain isn’t easy. There is a lot of pressure in terms of aiding in the team’s overall success and sometimes that results in stress. HOWEVER, despite all of this, I absolutely love it. I enjoy the responsibility. It’s good for me. As a captain, I deal with many situations that translate into real life grown up situations- I’m learning and growing and maturing!-  it’s scary and great at the same time. I also love being someone my teammates can talk to. Knowing that they trust me is one of the best feelings in the world.  I’m so glad I can be there for them in that way.  Most of all, I just love being a leader on this team. It’s that simple. Our team is a group of wonderful girls, with big hearts and all the potential in the world. I’m proud to be a part of the unit and proud to call myself one of their leaders.

Color: Green
Vacation spot: Outerbanks, NC
TV Show: Dexter
Athlete: Bianca Gianfrate ( Hartwick '11)
Place on campus: The library because I practically live there
On-campus meal: Latte Lounge. It's not on campus but the tuna salad and tarragon chicken salad are to die for. On-campus would have to be chicken nuggets or the soup in The Commons.
When I grow up I want to be... : A happy, confident lady

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

The Hartwick Women's Lacrosse team reflects on the many things we are all thankful for this Thanksgiving. As a team, the opportunity to play a sport we love, represent our school, and compete against great teams are all worthy of thanks but as individuals our blessings go far beyond the lacrosse field, as big or small as it may seem. Take a look at what our players and coaches give thanks for this holiday season:


Coach Dell:
... Frozen pizza and cheesecake on Thanksgiving

Coach Wallace:
... Having a capable mind and body and for living in a time and place I can use both to my fullest abilities
... Great role models and the endless support of my family
... The challenges I have faced in my life because it has given me strength and perspective on what is really important in life- family, health, and happiness

Britt LaVaute, Sr:
.... My family, especially my new baby sister who came into my life 5 months ago
....Cheesecake and lacrosse

Em Walsh, Sr:
.... Having the people and the support in my life to do the things that I love best. I'm seeing the world right now and it is the best thing I have ever done. I've been giving so many life changing opportunities and I'm so lucky and thankful for that.

Hannah Kennedy, Sr:
... Being able to make a career out of something I love
... Hugs, avocados, tie dye, corn, and good handshakes

Ryan McGovern, Jr:
... To know that what I will end up doing in life will benefit others. I want to become a Special Education teacher and help those in need. Everyone has a passion in life, and I am thankful that this is mine

Erin Doyle (Doug), Jr:
... My family, my friends, and the many mentors that helped guide me to where I am today
... For the life God gave me and the opportunities my parents made possible
...That my parents are always only one phone call away with guidance to all my problems
... My sisters who are the best friends one could ever ask for
... My past, my present, and my future and that I can be proud of who I am
... That I had the chance to meet angels, even if it was only for a short while. I'll never forget the impact they made on my life (PG, JM, CC)
...Most of all, I am thankful for all the times I forget how fortunate I am, there's always someone there to remind me to keep strong and carry on

Erica Scicchitano, Jr:
... My family and for my parents giving me amazing opportunities

Kiersten Racela (Stone), Soph:
... The opportunity to get an education in something that I actually enjoy

Meg Luce, Soph:
... The opportunities to grow as both an athlete and an artist at Hartwick :)

Ali Sisco, Soph:
...To be on an amazing team with the best 18 sisters!
... My education and to FINALLY be in the Nursing Program!! :)

Brittany McCabe, Soph:
... The opportunities and life that my parents have provided for me.
... Having a roof over my head, a good education, and being surrounded by a loving and caring family
... Growing up in a great area that allowed me to gain a focus on my future and develop a mature perspective. The more people I meet and the more places I see I realize how fortunate I am. It is easy to take things for granted but after studying various areas of the world, I have become more aware of my luxuries

Morgan Galipeau, Soph:
... My physical agility it enables me to play at the collegiate level

Lisa Littleton, Fr:
... My fabulous teammates, hummus, and my education and opportunities here at Hartwick

Jackie Moynihan, Fr:
... The beach because it is always a great place to go when you want to get away and it is only 5 minutes from my house :)
... New opportunities like coming to college and meeting all new friends and a family in 'Wick Lax

Carly Newman, Fr:
... Being able to come to a great college that will help me grow as an individual
... My strong family support as they watch me proceed in the nursing field

Caroline Stanford, Fr:
... My wonderful roommate Lisa Marie Antoinette (Lisa Littleton). Without her, I would be a wreck

Steph Luce, Fr:
... The opportunities that I am given and the chances that present themselves. These opportunities have let me play lacrosse, come to Hartwick, and have an experience of a lifetime

Morgan Hall, Fr:
... Being born into a good family and community
... Having the ability to have so many opportunities in my life to do what I want to do. I know some people don't get to have those chances and I really appreciate everything I have ever gotten

Emily Jweid, Fr:
... Currently being in the Virgin Islands!
... Having such an awesome team here at Hartwick. It hasn't even been a week here and I miss everyone!! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to be at this school with this team and great coaches guiding me through the next four years!

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you to all our fans and supporters out there who care so much about this team. We wish you a happy and relaxing Thanksgiving and holiday season.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Buy some Hartwick Women's Lacrosse gear!

Our webstore opened today featuring all the gear Hartwick will be wearing this season! All purchases will help our fundraising efforts for Los Angeles.

Order fast! All orders must be in by Sunday night and will be here in time for the holidays.
access code: hawks4WY

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Meet Senior Captain Hannah Kennedy!

Next up on our team introductions is Hannah Kennedy, a senior attacker from Avon, Connecticut. Kennedy enters her first season serving as captain for the Hawks.

Name: Hannah Kennedy
Position: Attack
Year/ major: Senior/ History, Education, and Special Education
Hometown/ H.S.: Avon, CT/ Avon High School

Why Hartwick?
I was recruited for lacrosse and I love the team and atmosphere.

Favorite part of Hartwick Lacrosse:
The team

What makes this program special?
As a four-year player, it is absolutely amazing how far this team has come since I was a freshman. Not only has the team improved its skill level, but academics as well. One thing that is extremely valuable to me as a Division III athlete is that my academics are more important than my sport. Our coaches help in every way possible to make sure that not only do we graduate as extremely strong lacrosse players, but that we are also prepared to enter the job market as young women who are ready to take on whatever comes their way.

Goals for the year:
As a captain, it is my goal to make sure that we dominate on the field (how could we not with our rocking team this year?) and in the classroom.

Food: Everything. I am a food critic.
Vacation spot: Ireland
Animal: Wolf
TV show: "How I Met Your Mother"
Song: "American Pie"- Don McLean
Place on campus: The library
When I grow up I want to be...: A teacher! Whoo!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Meet Sophomore Captain Brittany McCabe!

Next up on our captain introductions is Sophomore Attacker Brittany McCabe from Manorville, NY. McCabe enters her first season as captain for the Hawks.

Name: Brittany McCabe
Position: Attack
Year: Sophomore/ Biology
Hometown/ H.S. : Manorville, NY/ Eastport-South Manor HS
Birthday: December 6th

Why Hartwick? Because of the great bio program, the girls on the team, the campus, and Coach's persistance
Favorite part of Hartwick Lacrosse: Team unity

Hopes for the season:
My immediate goal for the team is to develop team unity, a knowledge and awareness amongst the team that we have to support each other on and off the field.  One of my many goals is to develop hard, honest effort and trust in each other. I believe this will foster a winning attitude as a byproduct.  We also need to promptly integrate the very talented core of freshman into the team concept and make them feel they are welcome additions, just as the upperclassmen did for our freshman crew. I want to incorporate some of the qualities that the leaders last year had, their wisdom, pride, competitive perseverance, and the chip on their shoulder that festered from game to game. They wanted to “turn it around,” improve the program and leave behind a developing team that won. Wouldn’t it be great if we carried all of those attributes into this season, made everybody forget the records from years prior, and brought some real excitement to Wright Stadium with our winning attitudes and newly discovered swag?

Color: Blue
Vacation spot: Australia
TV show: Good Wife
Athlete: Mia Hamm
Place on campus: Farrington Room or the view from Dewar stairs
On campus meal: Mac n' cheese and buffalo chicken wrap
When I grow up I want to be.... A vet!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Meet Senior Captain Brittany LaVaute!

Leading off our captain introductions is Senior Middie Britt LaVaute from Skaneateles, NY. Britt enters her second year as captain for the Hawks.

Name: Brittany LaVaute
Position: Midfield
Year/ Major: Senior/ Biology Major with a Psychology Minor
Hometown/HS: Skaneateles, NY/ Skaneateles H.S.
Birthday:  November 16th

Why Hartwick? Small campus and small classroom size
Favorite part of Hartwick lacrosse: The team and just playing lax

Hopes for the season:
This year I hope to make it to post-season and have a winning record. I want to beat the teams that no one believes we will have a chance against. I want to succeed together as a team.

Best part of being captain:
I enjoy being captain because I feel like people on the team look up to me.

Food: Pizza
Vacation spot: Disney World
Animal: Cheetah
Movie: Coach Carter
Place on campus: Binder
On campus meal: Popcorn Chicken Bowl
When I grow up I want to be....: A Radiologist